Our Services

At MergerMotives we have extensive experience from countless transactions in various industries all around the world and can help you to evaluate what kind of cooperation, portfolio gap filling, merger, acquisition or divestment will drive your business forward in the best suitable way. Hereby we support you with:

Strategy Advisory

  • Company and market analysis
  • Strategic business planning
  • Deal assessment
  • Buy- and sell-side assistance
  • Buy- and sell-side due diligence
  • Pre- & Post-deal advisory
  • Management buy-outs
  • Leveraged buyout advisory
  • Company or asset divestments
  • Carve-outs


"Supporting Strategic Business Decisions"

Due Diligence

During the due diligence phase we help you to evaluate the potential for increasing the value of your business with the respective deal. We hereby complete the following tasks:

  • Legal Due Diligence
  • Commercial Due Diligence
  • Organizational Due Diligence
  • Cultural Due Diligence
  • Human Resources Due Diligence
  • Tax Due Diligence




More specifically, these tasks include for example:

  • Analysis of legal contracts and potential or on-going litigation
  • Identify internal control and financial reporting weaknesses
  • Analyse key business drivers and operational metrics
  • Evaluate company projections
  • Determine purchase price adjustments
  • Analyse risk concentration
  • Analyse quality of assets
  • Provide carve-out assistance
  • Advise on target structure and human resource impacts
  • Analysis of tax risks and tax impacts of the planned transaction

Deal Negotiation

At MergerMotives we rely on our experience from more than 40 years in Business Development and the learning’s from countless transactions in various industries all around the world.

We can therefore lead the deal negotiations with potential buyers/sellers in a professional and trusted way to achieve the best outcome for all involved parties.


Negotiating good and sustainable deals is really in the core of what we do and what we stand for and we can guarantee our highest engagement from the beginning of a negotiation until we reach a satisfying outcome for you and your business partners.

Post-Merger Integration

Relying on our experience we will help you to mitigate common risks and offer our support to managing change for your business, people and culture, ensuring results that exceed your deal expectations by:

  • Creating multi-point short term strategy to achieve your long term goals
  • Supervise progress of all integration points
  • Continuously consult with management on succeeding with short and long term goals
  • Initiate post deal strategies